Friday, March 1, 2013


We try to find and encourage hobbies that add to our self-sufficiency and quality of life, so that each of us can make a meaningful contribution to our household, and can develop life-long life skills.

Abby took a couple of quilting classes (at Central Sewing Center) . See what happened! With a little bit of coaching from her Aunt Marjorie, she made this set for her room. And has more projects in the works. We're very proud of her skills and accomplishments.

Abby has taken not only to sewing, but also to cooking, gardening, and playing the violin, all of which she does very well. She is currently trying her hand at making lace.

If we can do it, so can you. Make a hobby out of something your great-great-grandparents did as a matter of necessity--gardening, sewing, woodworking, animal husbandry, soap making, bread baking, or .... You may be surprised at what you can accomplish.

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