Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sore Throat Relief

Some of us had sore throats a couple of months ago. We didn't have much of anything in the medicine cabinet for relieving sore throat, so we went to the Internet to see what home remedies are out there. This is the one that seemed most likely to work, and it did--the pain was gone, quickly, almost instantly!

Sore Throat Remedy


    3-4 garlic cloves minced finely
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
    1 tbsp raw honey


Mix it all together and give 1 tsp every hour until throat is better. Make more as needed.

Why does it work? 

The Cayenne pepper contains Capsicum, the compound in peppers that make the heat.  While Capsicum can cause pain (as in that salsa that was oh so "hot"), it can also alleviate pain. The sweetness of the honey does tone down the heat just a bit.  If you're not a spicy heat lover, you could substitute cinnamon, which is probably a good idea when giving this to younger children (especially those under two) anyway.

The Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral qualities.  It’s best to use it in crushed form (for you garlic and culinary purists, this is one of those times it's okay to use a garlic press) to release the allinase enzyme which makes it’s antimicrobial allicin.

The Honey, while making the cayenne palatable, also offers antimicrobial benefits.  Also, honey has long been used to ease coughs and sore throats by coating the throat. 

If the sore throat doesn’t go away in 24 hours or so, and/or is accompanied by a fever, take it to the doctor--it may be strep.

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