Saturday, January 4, 2014

Goals for Our Mini-Farm in 2014

Here are some general goals for our self-sufficiency effort this year:

  • achieve a more plentiful harvest from our garden and animals
  • dehydrate and can more this year
  • increase amount of fodder we grow
  • add more garden area to the property
  • add more rain catchment -- catch every drop of roof runoff
  • acquire or construct solar panels
Like many New Year's resolutions, these as stated are too broad or vague to be effective goals. The details and action steps need to be developed, fine tuned, and then implemented. As we focus on each of the above, we'll be publishing our plans, efforts and the effects.

As always, we post not to brag but to encourage others. If we can do it, so can you. Please feel free to learn from our failures as well as our successes. We wish you the best in the year ahead and always.

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