Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Homesteader Breakfast

This is a near-perfect breakfast for me: Tomatoes and peppers from our garden, orange juice from our tree, eggs from our hens, milk and cheese from our goats.

Though we can't do this every day, let alone every meal, it is very satisfying to have meals that are completely from our mini-farm. Almost every meal has something home-grown or home-made--the more the better!

If we can do it, so can you. You don't have to be self-sufficient in everything, just endeavor to be self-sufficient in something and work form there. Try something. Work at it until you are comfortable with it and then add something new. Start with growing a few plants for food. If you like tomatoes, try growing them. Raise a couple of hens for eggs--you give them table scraps, they give you eggs and lots of entertainment! (as well as fertilizer for your plants). Try making your own bread, yogurt, or cheese.

If you have questions or need help getting started, let us know.

P. S. -- What would have made this the perfect breakfast? More of it. Perhaps with Naomi's home-made biscuits, or Denise's home-made bread or tortillas, and maybe home-grown and -smoked sausage or bacon or fish. Time to fire up the smoker....

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