Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Pretty Good Week!

This past week was a pretty good week on our mini-farm.

 We picked enough tomatoes to make and can 40 quarts of tomato sauce. Our goal is to have put up enough sauce to make our weekly pizza and also spaghetti or lasagna a couple of times a month and ketchup and barbeque sauce. We still have several quarts to go, but there are still plenty of tomatoes left in the garden.

 Picked peaches and blackberries. Oh, and some eggplant--which will become baba ganoush for a snack today.

One evening we dined on hot pastrami sandwiches made from a brisket of beef we corned and smoked, served on homemade rye rolls, topped with tomatoes from our garden, and enjoyed with our homemade dill pickles and a cold glass of our goats' milk.

 Our chickens are not laying as well as they have been. Perhaps the heat is affecting them. Our ducks should begin laying pretty soon--the girls are looking forward to baking with duck eggs, and the boys are looking forward to the girls' baking with or without duck eggs.

The tilapia have had a hatch. Of course, we had just purchased some fry to grow out. We plan to have fish tacos in the fall when we harvest the tilapia and cabbage.

All in all, it was a good week. We are looking forward to what this week will bring.

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