Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just a Note to Begin

The purpose of this weblog is not so much to brag on our accomplishments, but to share our experiences (positive and negative) in hopes that some will be encouraged to take up gardening and perhaps go beyond the hobby to become more self-sufficient.

We have been developing our mini-farm for a few years now. We try to add a little bit to our food production each year. This past year we added ducks and geese--for eggs and meat. The year before that we added tilapia and aquaponics.

We encourage you to try your hand at growing your own food. If you already enjoy gardening, try something you haven't tried before--not just a new variety vegetable or fruit, but rather try a new way of growing food. What do you eat? What kind of time and space can you devote to producing it for yourself.

Don't jump in all at once. If you haven't done it before, please don't till up your lawn and put in a thousand square feet of new growing space. Start small and work your way up. Choose just one food you really like, see what it takes to produce it for yourself. That's how we got started, and that's how we keep going.

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